Friday, May 18, 2012

Vacating the Bloggosphere - Quel Surprise !

Lovers Lock Bridge - Paris
I highly recommend 'dive bombing into the river of the non-bloggosphere now and then.  Imagine the bloggosphere is the sky that we breathe and look at each day.  Yes, each day we get up and breathe in twitter, facebook, blogger, wordpress, etc.. for a variety of worldly reasons.  Imagine a day comes when you just don't do that.
You dive out of the sky from a height into the cold water of the real world sans internet.  The perfect time for your high dive from internetality into the analog, non-informational world is when you decide to go on holiday.  I did just that recently.  I took a holiday, for a whole two weeks.  I like others took my laptop with me, just in case.  I took my email accounts with me. Just in case.  I took all the technology with me.

But then I did not open up facebook.  Even my kids did not see that I had gone on holiday.  I did not tweet anything.  So What ? I did not blog anything at all.  Quel Crime !..  yes I was in Paris.. I was trundling around looking at real things, having coffee, staying out late conversing with real people.  I was on a roll.  I walked across a bridge over the Seine and thought of all the people who, while in love, had attached a padlock to the side of the bridge, and then chucked the key over the bridge, to be lost on the bed of the Seine forever. How romantic perhaps.  Much better than simple 'friending' perhaps.

Our world is highly informatic and we get to practise friending and texting and writing bits of interesting stuff each day.  Take a dive into reality now and then.  Exit the entire bloggosphere, without saying goodbye.  Turn up mysteriously somewhere else in the world speaking a different language, and surprise people, since by 4 square or twitter or skype or facebook, they all still might if they cared, think you were at home somewhere.

When you come up to breathe again, somewhat refreshed I hope.  Life will be different, your writing might also have been recreated, by means of a real vacation from the written and read word.  Let's see how it goes.  I'm back.

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