Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Grow Grow Grow !

Wednesday Jan 29th @ Wonderware, Irvine, CA: "Grow! Grow! Grow!" -  Jean-Pascal Tricoire [JPT] as CEO Schneider Electric spoke eloquently about how in just 100 days or so, we Invensys were to become Schneider-Electric.  Just days before, my laptop logon screen had already gone Green and I was already feeling the love. Daft Punk won a Grammy with 'Get Lucky' which is how I feel right now.  I feel that Invensys 'gets lucky' becoming Schneider Electric.  JPT explained just how Global Schneider Electric really is and introduced us all to some of the new top management.  It felt good actually.  I liked the language of welcoming into the Schneider 'Citizen'.  One almost feels that with over 100K employees globally, large companies take on a certain 'citizenry'.

We make Automation Systems at Invensys.  Very large systems which operate to optimize and stabilize the control of high energy processes like refining, power generation, LNG production, Oil and Gas Production. It was refreshing to hear of the large number of engineers already in Schneider Electric which will get to know some of us Invensys people as we start to work alongside them, become their world so to speak.  It isn't going to be just one way.  When one thing becomes the other, both lose an element of their former identity and evolve through change to be something greater and better than before.  This is the change we are about to embark on.

An objective command to 'Grow' has to have a rationale that would appeal to the massive customer base as well as the teams of distributed engineers who have to make it happen.  One concept which resonated was the idea of being the 'sustainable' engineering company. You can see this goes deep - if you just check out the Schneider Electric / About page.  Making state of the art technology to effect the sustainable aspirations and plans of customers.  We make automation technology and we build large systems which either use transform or create large amounts of energy.  It looks like we, becoming Schneider Electric we will have access to a much wider range of technology and will be able, with imagination, provide higher levels of sustainable automation - and be more becoming to our customers.

Invensys is running at a higher energy level now - lets see how we do as we become Schneider Electric.

PS: Check out the Schneider Electric ICL - International Customer Lounge - What a concept !
International Customer Lounge

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