Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Control Systems beyond Deep Blue

It's only Human 
my faithful Machine Interface
to want to move to a more collaborative scene
I've seen 'a space odyssey' and it's memorable dream
where HAL the ship computer didn't know what we need

and we are beyond the time of Deep Blue

Now, it's our collective tactical crush
which makes us take hold of a wii
and swing it around
in total control

We are entering a phase where the HMI will become somewhat subservient in ways we don't yet understand to a higher level of computational interaction. This month we explore on this blog, aspects of the Operational Interface, and the transition to more collaborative technology.

Long time back, walking around Harvard Square at a cafe stop with my youngest, I marvelled at the speed at which people in pairs were playing chess. Where entire games would be played and won and lost through tactical crush with varying levels of contempt and supremacy evident - in less than a minute. All of it physical, and in close proximity.

The CHESS game then I use as a marker - you could say that in 2007 IBM's Deep Blue ended the myth that a human mind, highly trained in it's thinking and experience could not be beaten by a computer at such a relevant and noble game as has fascinated people since antiquity.

Chess had become the measuring stick for the international human intellect against the computer. The defeat of our best grand master's against Deep Blue, and more recently the almost total domination of the chess scene by Rybka has changed the yardstick considerably.

So we are now beyond Deep Blue, and into Watson.  Watson, a considerable advance on Deep Blue, brings to light the real possibility of a collaborative intelligence created by computing resources, with which many operational levels will interact. Whereas in the past, we dealt with Operator Panels, Unit Controls, Plant Control Rooms, and Multi Operational Sites with differing technologies, in the future, and the future is now - the information derived from all levels can be combined in an intelligent way to form the basis of decision making for the wholistic collection of operational control workspaces, which themselves become virtual.

Some of the key things that we are addressing at Invensys Operations Management, is just that - how do we operate at all levels in a hierarchical MetaSystem composed of many layers and boundaries and interconnections, yet use multiple components for combining and presenting data from all the different layers. Where will game technology and  theory lead us ?

This month we explore on this blog, aspects of the Operational Interface as it applies to such metasystems.  The following graphic should help to define the space....

Chris Smith
Feb 2012

Human Computer Interaction - Interaction rather than Interface
Heuristically Programmed ALgorithmic Computer - HAL 9000
Deep Blue - IBMs Chess Playing Computer of 1997.
Chess computation engines -  [the latest generation after deep blue]  - Rybka

(Fibonacii Chessboard a la George Delatour - courtesy - F Decomite flickr)

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