Monday, March 26, 2012

Modernizing the XY Controller with a 3rd Turtle

Last week I discussed the application specific space saving application of the XY controller.  When having to modernize these, not only do we have to work with the specific constraints of the hardware - [see last weeks post] - but also the fact that at the same time, we might have to jump 40 years in technology.

In this post I extend the conjectured modernization by considering the modernization of an 20th century item of plant control to the 21st century use of lets say semantic technology.  For this example being substation oriented, we should consider going from the Master Slave relay logic direct to it's representation as an IEC 61850 object publication and control. This is not a post about IEC 61850 specifically, but uses that new technology to illustrate the point relating to modernization and re-integration of older technology into the new semantic type technology.

If you have read this far, you might want to know why does that matter ?  I will try to keep to the point in less than 600 words, and the graphic may help, but please read to the end, think for a few minutes and make any comment about modernization you feel relevant.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Space Saving XY Controller

XY Controller Decoding Matrix
I recently had to revisit an older control application, where the customer wanted to keep everything the same, but replace his older remote terminal unit technology with perhaps a newer one, yet keep the existing wiring and functionality. With some of the older equipment the limitations of space, both physical, and in terms of protocol address space, meant that engineering remote control solutions often meant optimization of space at the expense of urgency and time. The challenge in modernization almost always starts with No change in SPACE, no change in WIRING, and ends in trying to exchange modern high tech equipment into the same cabinets and racks which the older equipment occupies.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Operational Metasystem Transitions

A view of the operational spaces
In my last post we saw the influence of the rapid rise of AI on playing chess, and you might have drawn the connection with online chess games, now using the AI engines for online chess playing.
In this blog post I segment the operational space into a convenient metasystem 'model' to first define a set of operational levels and then layout so of their features and attributes.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Control Systems beyond Deep Blue

It's only Human 
my faithful Machine Interface
to want to move to a more collaborative scene
I've seen 'a space odyssey' and it's memorable dream
where HAL the ship computer didn't know what we need

and we are beyond the time of Deep Blue

Now, it's our collective tactical crush
which makes us take hold of a wii
and swing it around
in total control

We are entering a phase where the HMI will become somewhat subservient in ways we don't yet understand to a higher level of computational interaction. This month we explore on this blog, aspects of the Operational Interface, and the transition to more collaborative technology.

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