Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Testing Ophelia - the emergence of the cloud lenticular

Lenticular Cloud over Mt Youtei [Japan]
I doubt Shakespeare's prince of Denmark ever climbed Mt Youtei, let alone discovered cloud computing. Certainly Ophelia looked up to him with increasing wonder... was either she or he going mad ?. Did Rosencrantz and Guildenstern really change the game ?

One wonders with the BETA test phase now in full swing on the Dell Wyse Ophelia project whether the use of the name Ophelia is a reference to Hamlet's famous quote:-
 'To be or not to be ?, that is the question !". 

Why ? because this newly enlivened Ophelia, the USB connected cloud computing connector really sounds like the end for the consumer PC.   This post postulates a use case and gives handy references to the press articles that are most relevant.

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